Our project, SuMIRe, is introduced in this book.

medium publishing company title issued date
book “Gakken-Zatsugaku-Hyakka” “Mechanism of Universe”
supervised by IPMU
July 27, 2010

The six IPMU researchers present their cutting-edge research fields by interview.

Chapter #1: How did the Universe begin?
                             by Tadashi Sugiyama
Chapter #2: What is the Universe made of?
                             by Naoki Yoshida (SuMIRe member)
                             by John Silverman (SuMIRe member)
Chapter #3: What is the fate of the Universe?
                             by Masahiro Takada (SuMIRe member)
Chapter #4: What is the fundamental law of the Universe?
                             by Shigeki Sugimoto
Chapter #5: Why do we exist?
                             by Hiroshi Murayama (PI for SuMIRe)

Price: 1,365 Japanese YEN (incld. tax)
Only Japanese