The 1st SuMIRe-PFS collaboration meeting was held from July 11 to 13, 2011.

PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph)-an instrument for wide and deep sky survey- is one of the two mainstays of the SuMIRe Project. It is expected to support the HSC (Hyper SprimeCam) soon to be newly installed on the Subaru Telescope and to further improve the quality of surveys. Internationally collaborative work is essential, and particularly, concerned scientists felt the need to establish a partnership for bringing material resources and experts from around the world together. The top priorities are what role each organization can play in the collaborative relationship, and how each institute can commit to ongoing and future projects. Collaboration partners include Princeton University (US), California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA (US), Instituto de Astronomia Geofisica E Ciencias Atmosfericas/Universtiy of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Le Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (France), and Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Taiwan). Johns Hopkins Universitiy (US) has also been invited to participate. At the meeting we successfully discussed process management and performance efficiency, among other issues.

■PFS Collaboration Milestones■
●Jul 2011   
  1st PFS collaboration meeting@IPMU
●Jan 2011  
  Subaru Users Meeting@NAOJ
  Organized by Subaru Advisory Committee and obtained endorsement on the PFS collaboration for the PFS instrumentation. (press release)
●Dec 2010  
  PFS science workshop@NAOJ
  The PFS white paper circulated to the Subaru community.
●Oct 2010  
  The Observational Pursuit of Dark Energy after Astro2010@Caltech
  (internal collaboration meeting)
●Sep 2010  
  Future Subaru instrument workshop@IPMU
  Organized by Subaru Advisory Committee and Subaru community was also involved.
  Kicked-off the PFS working groups.
●Aug 2010  
  Optical and Infrared Community Symposium@NAOJ
  Murayama, PI, advertised PFS collaboration.
●Jul 2010   
  Kick-Off meeting@Hongo campus
  (internal collaboration meeting)