3rd PFS collaboration meeting
H.24.8.13 ~ H.24.8.16
2012年3月、我々PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph; 超広視野分光器) チームは概念設計評価会議 (CoDR) を成功におさめました。次なるステージである詳細設計評価会議 (Preliminary Design Review; PDR) まで7か月しかありません。CoDR会議にてあがった様々問題点を解決し纏め上げ、PDR会議にのぞむため、第三回コラボレーションミーティング(国際共同研究参加機関代表者会議)を開催します。この会議では、PDR会議を見据え、PFSを真の分光装置にするべく議論を進めます。(すでにいくつかの部品調達は始まっています!)…詳細は英語サイトへ
● Monday 13 August – Hameetman Auditorium ●
09.00: Welcome and logistics : Richard Ellis
09.05 – 12.00: Status of PFS (Chair: David Spergel)
09.05: PFS: Overview : Hitoshi Murayama
09:35: Scientific Issues: From CoDR to PDR : Richard Ellis
10.05: Project Manager’s Report : Hajime Sugai
10.45: Coffee Break – Cahill Patio
11.15: Technical Issues for Science WGs and Requirements Flowdown : Naoyuki Tamura / Masahiro Takada
11.45: Topics for Discussion on Day 2 : Masahiro Takada / Richard Ellis
12.00: Lunch – Cahill Patio
13.30 – 17.40: Technical Progress (Chair: Hajime Sugai)
13.30 – 16:30: Technical progress reports (20+10 min each)
- Fiber system: Antonio Cesar de Oliveira (LNA)
- Positioner & PFI: Mike Seiffert /Charles Fisher (JPL)
- Spectrograph: Sebastian Vives (LAM)
- Detector & dewar: Jim Gunn (Princeton)
- Metrology system: Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)
16:00: Coffee Break – Cahill Patio
16:30 – 17:10: Technical progress reports (continued)
- System software: Atsushi Shimono (IPMU)
- Data reduction software: Steve Bickerton (Princeton)
17:10: PFS Requirements for Subaru: Naoyuki Tamura (IPMU)
17.40: End of Day 1
18:30: Reception at Athenaeum (Main Lounge)
19:00: Dinner at Athenaeum (Main Lounge)
● Tuesday 14August – Hameetman Auditorium ●
09.00 – 10.45: Science WG Updates (25+10 each) (Chair: Toru Yamada)
- Cosmology: Masahiro Takada (IPMU)/Chris Hirata (Caltech)
- Galactic Archaeology: Masashi Chiba (Tohoku)
- Galaxy/AGN evolution: Jenny Greene (Princeton)
10.45: Coffee Break – Cahill Patio
11.10 – 12.30: Contributed talks (Chair: Masahiro Takada)
- Lyman-alpha cosmology (25+10): Nao Suzuki (LBL)
- Modeling the Large-Scale correlation function for PFS (17+3): Alvise Raccanelli (JPL)
- Are Interloper Lines a problem for PFS (17+3): Anthony Pullen (JPL)
12.30: Lunch – Cahill Patio/
Steering Committee Meeting (Room 304 Cahill)
13.30 – 16.00: Discussion of Science Issues (Chairs: Masahiro Takada/Richard Ellis)
- Survey plan for galaxy science (Greene, Ouchi, Silverman)
- Medium Resolution mode for GA (Chiba, Gunn, Cohen)
- Near-infrared spectroscopic sensitivity (Gunn, Hirata, Ellis)
- Trade-off Issues (Tamura)
16:00: Coffee Break – Cahill Patio
16:30 – 17.40: PDR Preparation (Chairs: Hitoshi Murayama, Hajime Sugai)
- defining criteria for PDR
- what documents are required
- timetable for documentation and interim meetings
- plans for Wednesday and Thursday
17.40: End of Day 2
● Wednesday 15 August – Break-Out Sessions ●
08:00 – 17:00 Hameetman Auditorium
09:30 – 13:00 Cahill Room 273
Cahill Room 304
Cahill Room 312
14:00 – 17:00 Cahill Room 211
Cahill Room 273
● Thursday 16 August – Break-Out Sessions ●
08:00 – 17:00 Hameetman Auditorium
09:30 – 13:00 Cahill Room 273
14:00 – 17:00 Cahill Room 211
Cahill Room 304
Cahill Room 312